Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why do I do this to myself.........

I often wonder what led me to marry a man I knew would be consumed by spending time with another. There are many nights I have slept alone or stayed up til all hours of the night waiting for him to get home. No. He is not seeing another woman or staying out drinking. My husband, Stevie, is one of the Few, the Proud, a MARINE. And although I am proud of him every day of my life, I always wonder if there could be more if we could just leave the Marine Corps behind. See today is Stevie's 7 year mark in the Marine Corps and I am home alone waiting for him to get back from taking a poolee (that's a guy/girl who is going to join the Marines) to Rotan, which just happens to be an hour and some change away. It may sound stupid, but I am often jealous of the Marine Corps simply for the fact that they spend more time with my husband than I do. Heck, now-a-days I am lucky to see him 2 or 3 hours a day. He rarely gets home before 10 and when he does, he gets phone calls from people from work. It's irritating to feel like the "other woman" in your own marriage. Don't get me wrong, I do love the Marine Corps way of life in some aspects. I mean who wouldn't love free medical, guaranteed pay and free housing, but there is so much more to being happy in a marriage. I know that this is just a rant for me because I am upset that once again I get a call at 9:30 pm saying he won't be home until about midnight, AFTER I have cooked a delicious meal that I inevitably burned myself making. But after all of this ranting, I will do it again, night after night just for the simple fact that I love my husband and would do anything for him, including waiting up for him til all hours of the night. Oh the irony of love.......